Objective of this notebook

The goal of this notebook is to provide you with a simple and minimal set of examples, so you can start using the numpy library and the matplotlib library to tackle some Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis problems. We strongly suggest you to read the numpy quick start tutorial

The following line allows to show plots inside the Jupyter notebook

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

Import the requiered libraries

  • numpy to create and manipulate vectors and matrices, with the name np
  • matplotlib.pyplot to plot the results with the name plt
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


The main object of NumPy is the np.array, an homogeneous multidimensional array. An array is simply is table of elements having the same type. The elements of an array are indexed using positive integers. It is possible to convert a python list (or a list of lists ...) into a np.array, using the np.array or the np.asarray functions.

In our case vectors and matrices will be represented as np.array instances

In [3]:
# encoding a matrix
M = np.asarray([[1,2,3],
# encoding a vector
v = np.asarray([10.,11.,12.])
In [4]:
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])
In [5]:
array([10., 11., 12.])

The size of a matrix (or vector) represented as a np.array can be seen using through the ndarray.shape attribute, and the type of the elements inside the array can be seen using through the ndarray.dtype attribute

In this example:

  • $M$ is a $2\times 3$ matrix of integers (int64)
  • $v$ is a vector with size $3$ of flats (float64)
In [6]:
print(M.shape, v.shape)
print(M.dtype, v.dtype)
(2, 3) (3,)
int64 float64

Array creation

  • As we have seen previously, you can create a np.array using a python list.
  • You can also initialize arrays full of zeros (using np.zeros) or ones (using np.ones), specifying the size of the array.
  • It is also possible to generate vectors regularly spaced between two boundaries using np.linspace (similarly to the range function)
In [7]:
M0 = np.zeros( (3,4) )
[[0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0.]]
In [8]:
M1 = np.ones( (2,3) )
[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]
In [9]:
start = 0
stop = 10
size_of_vector = 30
v_arange = np.linspace(start, stop, size_of_vector)
[ 0.          0.34482759  0.68965517  1.03448276  1.37931034  1.72413793
  2.06896552  2.4137931   2.75862069  3.10344828  3.44827586  3.79310345
  4.13793103  4.48275862  4.82758621  5.17241379  5.51724138  5.86206897
  6.20689655  6.55172414  6.89655172  7.24137931  7.5862069   7.93103448
  8.27586207  8.62068966  8.96551724  9.31034483  9.65517241 10.        ]

It is also possible to use the np.arange function providing the start, stop and step instead

(but using the linspace you have a better control regarding the final size of the array)

In [10]:
start = 0
stop = 10
step = 0.5
v_arange = np.arange(start, stop, step)
[0.  0.5 1.  1.5 2.  2.5 3.  3.5 4.  4.5 5.  5.5 6.  6.5 7.  7.5 8.  8.5
 9.  9.5]

Random elements

It is possible to create arrays filled with random values.

Hereafter we only give some examples, but you can check the numpy.random documentation for more functions

  • $M^g$ is a $2\times 3$ matrix, such that $\forall i,j\quad M^g_{i,j} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu = 0,\sigma = 1)$
  • $M_u$ is a $2\times 3$ matrix, such that $\forall i,j\quad M^u_{i,j} \sim \mathcal{U}(min= 0,max= 1)$
In [11]:
Mg = np.random.randn(2,3)
[[-0.18254748 -0.21966096 -0.96717866]
 [ 0.03045396 -0.27915735  1.12344191]]
In [12]:
Mu = np.random.random((2,3))
[[0.12627397 0.13512465 0.72767853]
 [0.51473231 0.01210307 0.62848211]]

Basic operations

Arithmetic operators are applied elementwise on arrays: the result is output in a new array

  • Multiply each element of $M_u$ by 10
In [13]:
Mu_x10 = Mu * 10
[[1.26273966 1.3512465  7.27678532]
 [5.14732309 0.12103074 6.28482109]]
  • Add 10 to each element of $M_g$
In [14]:
Mg_p10 = Mg + 10
[[ 9.81745252  9.78033904  9.03282134]
 [10.03045396  9.72084265 11.12344191]]
  • Multiply elementwise $M_u$ and $M_g$
  • This is different from a dot product!!!
In [15]:
Mu_x_Mg = Mu * Mg
[[-0.02305099 -0.02968161 -0.70379515]
 [ 0.01567564 -0.00337866  0.70606314]]
  • Take the square of each element of $M_u$
In [16]:
Mu_square = Mu**2
[[1.59451144e-02 1.82586710e-02 5.29516046e-01]
 [2.64949350e-01 1.46484402e-04 3.94989762e-01]]

Numpy can also to apply basic operations between a matrix and a vector, row by row, such as in this example:

In [46]:
v = np.asarray([-10,1000,-1000])
print(Mu * v)
[[0.12627397 0.13512465 0.72767853]
 [0.51473231 0.01210307 0.62848211]]
[[  -1.26273966  135.12464981 -727.67853222]
 [  -5.14732309   12.10307406 -628.48210944]]

Boolean arrays

It is possible to apply conditions to arrays to get boolean arrays.

Here we check elementwise if the values of $M_u$ are greater than 0.5, and we get a boolean matrix (true if the element is greater than 0.5 and false otherwise)

In [17]:
Mu_g05 = Mu>0.5
[[0.12627397 0.13512465 0.72767853]
 [0.51473231 0.01210307 0.62848211]]
[[False False  True]
 [ True False  True]]

Here we check elementwise if the values of $M_g$ are greater than 0, and we get a boolean matrix (true if the element is greater than 0 and false otherwise)

In [18]:
Mg_g0 = Mg>0
[[-0.18254748 -0.21966096 -0.96717866]
 [ 0.03045396 -0.27915735  1.12344191]]
[[False False False]
 [ True False  True]]

It is also possible to apply boolean operations, for instance:

  • np.logical_and will apply the "and" logical operator to two arrays elementwise
  • np.logical_or will apply the "or" logical operator to two arrays elementwise
  • ...

Hereafter we apply the and operator to the results of the two previous steps

In [19]:
Mu_g05_AND_Mg_g0 = np.logical_and(Mu_g05, Mg_g0)
[[False False False]
 [ True False  True]]

Universal functions

numpy provides many universal functions such as :

  • np.exp and np.log (exponential and logarithm)
  • np.sin and np.cos (sine and cosine)
  • np.sqrt (square root)
  • np.abs (absolute value)
  • np.max and np.min (maximum and minimum)
  • np.sum (sum)
  • np.mean and np.std (mean and standard deviation)
  • ...

This functions can also be applied elementwise to an array

compute the exponential of each element of $M_u$

In [20]:
exp_Mu = np.exp(Mu)
[[1.13459297 1.14467946 2.07026896]
 [1.67319054 1.01217661 1.87476273]]

Some functions, that aggregate many elements can be applied to each row or each column of a matrix.

Hereafter we sum the elements of the matrix $M_u$ along each row and then along each column

In [41]:
# tell axis = 1 to apply the function to each row
# Mu has two rows
array([0.98907715, 1.15531749])
In [42]:
# tell axis = 0 to apply the function to each column
# Mu has three  columns
array([0.64100627, 0.14722772, 1.35616064])

Indexing the elements of an array

Get the element in row 0 and column 1 from $M_u$

In [21]:

Get all the elements of row 0 of $M_u$

In [22]:
array([0.12627397, 0.13512465, 0.72767853])

Get all the elements of column 2 of $M_u$

In [23]:
array([0.72767853, 0.62848211])

Get all the rows for the first 2 columns of $M_u$

In [24]:
array([[0.12627397, 0.13512465],
       [0.51473231, 0.01210307]])
In [25]:
# or
array([[0.12627397, 0.13512465],
       [0.51473231, 0.01210307]])

It is also possible to get elements applying a boolean mask. In this case we will get the elements for which the correspoing element in the boolean mask is true

For instance we will get the elements from $M_u$ s.t. $M_u > 0.5$, using the matrixes previously generated

In [26]:
[[False False  True]
 [ True False  True]]
[[0.12627397 0.13512465 0.72767853]
 [0.51473231 0.01210307 0.62848211]]
[0.72767853 0.51473231 0.62848211]

Linear Algebra

It is possible to apply basic linear algebra operations with arrays:

  • Transpositions
  • Identity matrix
  • Dot product

Moreover the numpy.linalg package has many linear algebra algorithms ready to use

  • SVD
  • QR
  • Inverse
  • ...

2 ways to compute $M_u^*$ the transpose of $M_u$

In [27]:
[[0.12627397 0.13512465 0.72767853]
 [0.51473231 0.01210307 0.62848211]]
[[0.12627397 0.51473231]
 [0.13512465 0.01210307]
 [0.72767853 0.62848211]]
[[0.12627397 0.51473231]
 [0.13512465 0.01210307]
 [0.72767853 0.62848211]]

Compute $M_u^* \cdot M_g$

$M_u$ is $2\times 3$, so $M_u^*$ is $3 \times 2$, and $M_g$ is $2 \times 3$, so the resulting matrix is $3 \times 3$

In [28]:
Mu_t_Mg = (Mu.T).dot(Mg)
[[-0.00737536 -0.17142877  0.45614236]
 [-0.02429808 -0.03306027 -0.11709258]
 [-0.11369611 -0.33528797  0.00226799]]

Compute the inverse of $M_u^* \cdot M_g$

In [29]:
array([[-1.66551811e+17, -6.45931243e+17,  1.48846484e+17],
       [ 5.66033805e+16,  2.19522632e+17, -5.05861454e+16],
       [ 1.85798766e+16,  7.20575940e+16, -1.66047387e+16]])

Get a $4\times 4$ identity matrix

In [30]:
I = np.eye(4)
[[1. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 1.]]


It is possible to plot matrices using the plt.imshow function

Beware, this function cannot plot a vector !!!

In [31]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x122226710>

In order to plot vectors you can use the plt.plot function

In [32]:
x = np.linspace(3,13,10)
y = np.random.randn(10)
# plot y as a function of x
# plot y as a function of the index of its elements
# Change the label of the x and y axis
plt.xlabel("X", fontsize=10)
plt.ylabel("Y", fontsize=10)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Y')

Much more

It is also possible to stack different arrays, to split an array in small arrays, to reshape arrays ... but we are not going to see these features here

In [ ]: