%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab as plt # import MATLAB-like API
Generate $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$, $m$ data points $\in \mathbb{R^n}$, Let $m = 400$ et $n=2$.
Each row $A$ represents a point in $\mathbb{R}^2$.
m = 400
n = 2
T = np.array([[-1,1],
X = np.random.randn(m,n)
A = np.dot(X,T)
A = A
Center the columns of $X$: $X_c = (X - \bar X)$, where $\bar X$ is the mean of $X$ along each column.
Ac = A-A.mean(axis=0)
$(1,0)\cdot T = T_{1,.}$ : The image of vector (1,0) is the first row of T (in red)
$(0,1)\cdot T = T_{2,.}$ : The image of vector (0,1) is the second row of T (in green)
plt.plot(Ac[:,0],Ac[:,1],"o", alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(Ac[4,0],Ac[4,1],'yo') # tag an arbitrary point in yellow
plt.plot(Ac[101,0],Ac[101,1],'co') # tag an arbitrary point in cyan
#plt.quiver(*T[0,:], color="r",angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
#plt.quiver(*T[1,:], color="g", angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
$A = U \Sigma V^* \iff AV = U \Sigma$.
Hereafter $Vs = V^*$, and $s$ is a vector, with $\Sigma$ = diag(s).
U, s, Vs = np.linalg.svd(Ac, full_matrices=False)
V = Vs.T
Check the orthogonality of column vectors of $V$ and $U$
Principal Components= $P = A_c V = U\Sigma$.
$P$ is $X_c$ in the basis of the column vectors of $V$.
$(1,0)\cdot V = V_{1,.}$ : The image of vector (1,0) is the first row of V (in green dashed)
$(0,1)\cdot V = V_{2,.}$ : The image of vector (0,1) is the second row of V (in red dashed)
P = np.dot(Ac,V)
# project cardinal vectors using V
I = np.eye(2)
axis_proj = I.dot(V)
# plot P
plt.plot(plt.array([-30,30]),plt.array([0, 0]),'k')
plt.plot(plt.array([0, 0]),plt.array([-30,30]),'k')
plt.plot(P[4,0],P[4,1],'yo') # X[1,:] tagué rouge
plt.plot(P[101,0],P[101,1],'co') # X[8,:] tagué cyan
# Plot axis
plt.quiver(*axis_proj[0,:],color="r",angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
plt.quiver(*axis_proj[1,:],color="g",angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
# Plot A
plt.plot(plt.array([-30,30]),plt.array([0, 0]),'k')
plt.plot(plt.array([0, 0]),plt.array([-30,30]),'k')
plt.plot(Ac[4,0],Ac[4,1],'yo') # X[1,:] tagué rouge
plt.plot(Ac[101,0],Ac[101,1],'co') # X[8,:] tagué cyan
# Plot the vectors $V$ in the cardinal basis
plt.quiver(*V[:,0],color="r",angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
plt.quiver(*V[:,1],color="g",angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
P_ = U.dot(np.eye(2)*s)
plt.plot(plt.array([-30,30]),plt.array([0, 0]),'k')
plt.plot(plt.array([0, 0]),plt.array([-30,30]),'k')
plt.plot(P_[4,0],P_[4,1],'yo') # X[1,:] tagué rouge
plt.plot(P_[101,0],P_[101,1],'co') # X[8,:] tagué cyan
plt.plot(plt.array([-30,30]),plt.array([0, 0]),'k')
plt.plot(plt.array([0, 0]),plt.array([-30,30]),'k')
plt.plot(U[4,0],U[4,1],'yo') # X[1,:] tagué rouge
plt.plot(U[101,0],U[101,1],'co') # X[8,:] tagué cyan
Les singular values $\sigma_1$ et $\sigma_2$ are the sqrt of the eigenvalues of the matrix $C = A^* A$.
The coefficients $(i,j)$ of the matrix $C$ are the scalar products $(X_i-\bar X)^*(X_j - \bar X_j)$, with $X_i$ the i-th column of $X$ and $\bar X_i$ the mean value along column $i$.
So $C_{i,j}/(N-1)$ is the covariance matrix.
the singular values of $X_c$, are the srqt of the eigenvalues of $C$, and are thus proportional to the stds ($\times \sqrt{N-1}$.
len1 = s[0]*2/np.sqrt(m-1) # 2 écarts types le long du semi-axe u1
len2 = s[1]*2/np.sqrt(m-1) # 2 écarts types le long du semi-axe u2